Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Webelos CampOut

The FIRST annual Webelos Camp Out!

This CampOut included ALL of the Cub Scouts from Pack 91, at least those that could make it! They worked on their advancements: Citizenship, Forester, Naturalist, ReadyMan, Geologist, and lots more. They went on a 3 mile hike up Thomas Canyon, checked out a 'really big' Beaver Dam and investigated freshly felled trees (beavers are work)!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Rain Gutter Regata

Our Annual Rain Gutter Regata in the Park!
The boys had a Blast racing their Regatas, watching each other's techniques for blowing or puffing into the sails! Then, of course, there was the BBQ afterwards!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Summer BBQ

Starting the BBQ off right! The boys' first go at Tug of War ended up snapping the rope in two!
So, the leader's infinite wisdom for the 2nd round...Double the rope!
And since it didn't rain today, a little water was called for!

And to finish the fun and games, the...

Racing IS easier on your feet, boys!

Then to the Best part...FOOD!

Cub Day Camp

Cub Day Camp Participants from Pack 91!
The beginning of the day and they're already a bit CrAzY!
The boys colored their Safari Hats, then on to....

SC EMS came to talk about and demonstrate

Day Camp is just about the only place the boys can earn their Archery & BBGun Belt Loops!

The boys had a blast, even with the cooler weather (hey, at least it didn't rain today)! And, as always, they can't wait until next year's camp!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Crossing Over

Family and Friends gathered to watch...

Pack 91's Cross Over Ceremony!

The boys 'promoted' from Tiger Cubs to Wolf, Wolf to Bear, Bear to Webelos I, Webelos I to Webelos II.

Congratulations! Good Job!! Way to Go!

"To Infinity and Beyond!"

Pack 91 held their 1st Space Derby this year. We had 12 Astronauts/Cub Scouts participate!

There was a whole lot of learning going on today, as mentioned above, this was the 1st (as far as I know and for as long as these boys, Tiger Cubs to Webelos, have been attending Cub Scouts with this Pack!) The leaders had to figure out the best way to run this whole race-from how many turns of the rubber bands to the double elimination charts, with a whole lot of room for errors! (Those pesky rubberbands liked to Break and the rotors on the space crafts could do some serious damage to fingers caught in the way!)

Then the Races were ON!

The boys had a blast, nothing like a bit of competition and commaraderie!

And the Winners Are:

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Starting a Blog on the Pack-the boys and their activities!